Saturday, July 26, 2008


I once heard Lou Danziger, one of the "old school" (more on this later) design educators ask his summer students what "design" means. We gave many answers, but the one that I recall most is the one he offered: "to do something with intent. As in, 'to do something by design' ". This was characteristically Danziger whose focus was on clarity - optimal clarity. Throughout the course over the next few weeks, I sensed he was easily irritated by dense ambiguity. It was difficult for me to meet his wave length.

That said, after returning from the UK last week from the New Views conference, I created a list of intentions for my return (afterall I gained 5 hours. I could use them wisely.)

1.) blog more
2.) organize my millions of images ( I shoot a lot with my easily concealed Lumix) and build a current flickr site.

I'll write about the New Views conference later this weekend. It's Saturday. I have some new herbs to plant. My son and I are talked about a trip to the park to play disc golf.

A primary intention: to be outside.

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